Media Module

Video Player

An ajax powered video player for a faster
website loading and with some eyecandy features.
See Examples

Default Player

Brooklyn Video Player supports Vimeo & YouTube. When embed the convenient way, these kind of video players usually causing a lot of traffic on a website and slowing them down.

But with Brooklyn the player only gets loaded with the users click interaction. This saves bandwidth and makes the website way faster.

Default Player
Automatic Video Poster Image

Custom Icon / Poster Image

The video player automatically grabs the poster image from the video platform. In case you like to use an own poster image, you can easily upload it via visual interface.

Custom Poster Image
Solid Play Icon
Large Play Icon

Custom Caption

Similar to our animated single image gallery and our other media modules. The video player of course also support captions to label your videos.

Caption On
Caption Font Weight Normal
Extra Caption Spacing
Caption Below
Extra Caption Spacing

Pulse Effect

Grab the visitors attention by adding an eye candy pulse effect to the video play icon. The given options are offering a wide range of different pulse combinations.

Pulse Effect On
1 Line
Pulse Effect On
2 Lines
Pulse Effect On
3 Lines
Pulse Effect On
4 Lines
Pulse Effect On
Solid Line
Pulse Effect On
Dotted Line
Pulse Effect On
Dashed Line
Pulse Effect On
Double Line

Pulse Intensity

The pulse intensity can be easily adjusted via simple drag
and drop range slider and allows 8 different steps.

Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 15
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 20
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 25
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 30
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 35
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 40
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 45
Pulse Effect On
Pulse Intensity 50

Custom Pulse Effect

And the best thing is, you can change the visual appearance of each pulse. Change color, line style and line width. This makes the pulse effect simply awesome.

Pulse Effect On
Colored Line
Pulse Effect On
All Lines On | Colored
Pulse Effect On
Gradient Icon Background

Custom Video Box

But its not just the pulse itself which is eye candy. You can also customize the video box itself. Add a shadow, some padding and a custom border color and voila it’s done, a superb video player box.

Pulse Effect On
Custom Overlay Color
Light Box Shadow On
Light Box Shadow On
Custom Spacing On | Custom Border On

Custom Alignment

Left, Right and Center. Easily align the video player according to the content.

Custom Width On
Alignment Left
Custom Width On
Alignment Center
Custom Width On
Alignment Right

Custom Width

And last but not least, the player width. Select the desired player width starting from 50% up to 100% of the parents element containing the player.

Custom Width On
Width 50%
Custom Width On
Width 75%
Custom Width On
Width 100%

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